Dr. Ann Becker-Schutte is a licensed counseling psychologist practicing in the midtown area of Kansas City, MO. Dr. Becker-Schutte’s goal in therapy is to create a safe, supportive environment for her clients. She works to provide therapy that is beneficial to her clients. She will help you explore challenging life issues while being a caring, neutral listener–someone whose only agenda is your overall health. She supports her clients in exploring difficult experiences by creating a safe setting.
Dr. Ann Becker-Schutte offers a variety of therapy services including individual and couples therapy. The individual diagnostic intake session includes an overview of the therapy process, a guided formal interview, and the beginning of the development of therapeutic goals. The couples diagnostic intake session includes an overview of the therapy process, a guided formal interview, and the beginning of the development of therapeutic goals.
Dr. Ann Becker-Schutte has been providing psychological assessments for international adoption for several years. Many countries require psychological assessment as part of the process to become approved to adopt internationally. Visit the services page to learn more about the adoption process and to schedule an adoption assessment interview today.